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New Publication from Colleagues at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Screen Shot 2015-11-17 at 1.07.55 PMDr. Sana Salih and colleagues have published a new paper, Dexrazoxane Diminishes Doxorubicin-Induced Acute Ovarian Damage and Preserves Ovarian Function and Fecundity in Mice, on fertility preservation in young mice treated with chemotherapies.  Teresa Woodruff says that ‘fertoprotective therapies are the most important next step in research to protect ovarian function in women with cancer.’ Dr. Salih said that the most important points in the paper include ‘The fertoprotective drug, dexrazoxane (Dexra) pre-administration prevented ovarian damage and preserved fertility in pre-pubescent mice treated with doxorubicin (DXR) chemotherapy. Mice treated with Dexra also gave birth to healthier litters, with more pups and larger birth weights than those receiving chemotherapy only. Intriguingly, Dexra also prolonged mice survival following chemotherapy treatment (only 25 % of pre-pubescent mice treated with DXR chemotherapy survived to 8 months while all mice treated with Dexra survived). These high mouse survival rates, ovarian protection and birthing successes were achieved using a dose of Dexra 10 times lower than what is used for adult human cardiac protection.’ Read more at http://news.wisc.edu/24163The paper can be found here:  http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0142588


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