This year, the 16th Annual Conference of the Oncofertility Consortium, November 11-13, 2024, will be hosted by Henry Ford Health & Michigan State University Health Sciences at Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center, MI, USA.
Stay tuned for updates and thank you so much for your continued support and partnership! For more info about the conference, please check the following direct links:
Registration Discount: The Oncofertility Consortium is pleased to announce a significantly discounted registration of $100 to up to 10 individuals who are underrepresented in their country or originate from a low-income or lower-middle-income country (as defined by the World Bank) will receive a significant registration discount. To apply, please send an email to
oncofert@msu.edu with a short description of why you are hoping to attend the Oncofertility Consortium Conference this year by September 15, 2024. Priority will be given to abstract submitters, early-career individuals, and first-time attendees. Attendees being offered reduced registration will be notified by September 23, 2024.