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Webinar: When a Doctor Becomes a Patient: Dr. Susan Love Discusses Why Quality of Life Matters

November 20, 2013 6:00 am - 7:00 am

Dr. Susan Love (author of what's considered the breast cancer bible,Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book), will be presenting a webinar on her experience as a Leukemia patient. She'll talk about quality of life issues and how important it is for researchers to take these issues into consideration when developing treatments for breast cancer. Is there any way that oncofertility could let people know about it?


Webinar: When a Doctor Becomes a Patient: Dr. Susan Love Discusses Why Quality of Life Matters

When: Wed, Nov 20, 1 PM EST

Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3020297221342322688


More info: http://www.sharecancersupport.org/share-new/learn/programs/when_a_doctor_becomes/

One lucky attendee will win a free copy of the 5th Edition of Dr. Love's book.

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