Open Education Subcommittee
OPEN’s Education Subcommittee was actively engaged in the creation of an online certificate course on Fertility Preservation in collaboration with the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. The course, Principles of Fertility Preservation for Reproductive Health Providers Certificate Course is comprised of 13 modules and is housed on the ASRM e-learning platform. Modules are free of charge to all interested individuals.
In addition to the ASRM e-learning modules, education remains a top priority to the Oncofertility Consortium and we host an annual Fellow Education Day in conjunction with the Oncofertility Conference.
If you are interested in becoming involved with the Education Subcommittee, please contact:
Divya Kelath Shah, MD, MME
Assistant Professor
Division of Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
University of Pennsylvania