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Pediatric Initiative Network (PIN) Meetings

The Pediatric Initiative Network (PIN) will host a number of sessions on Day 1 of the conference. Below is the complete agenda for these sessions.

All morning sessions will be located in Canning Auditorium. Afternoon sessions will be split between Canning Auditorium and Classroom J (located on the second floor).

8:00-8:15AM PIN Year in Review: Leena Nahata, MD, and Molly Moravek, MD
8:15-9:15AM Program Development Discussions: Moderators: Leena Nahata, MD, and Molly Moravek, MD

  • Standard of care
  • Barriers to program development
  • FP consults
  • FP completion
9:15-10:15AM Best Practices

  • RSWG: Lillian Meacham, MD
  • Navigator Subcommittee: Stacy Whiteside, APRN
  • PBC special issues: Leslie Appiah, MD
  • Ideas for upcoming year: Lillian Meacham, MD, and Holly Hoefgen, MD
10:15-11:15AM Research: Veronica Gomez-Lobo, MD, and Krista Childress, MD

  • Current research to assess attitudes and uptake of FP procedures in males and females: James Klosky, PhD, and Brooke Cherven, MD
  • Databases
    • OTC Database
    • TTC Database
    • General fertility preservation database discussion
    • List of centers in need of tissue for research
  • Open discussion
11:15-11:30AM Wrap-up, future directions, and introductions to afternoon working groups: Leena Nahata, MD, and Molly Moravek, MD
11:30AM-12:30PM Best Practices Working Group
12:30-1:30PM Working Lunch: Best Practices Working Group: Patient Navigators
1:30-2:30PM Research Working Group: Database
2:30-3:30PM Best Practices+Research Working Groups
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