Michigan Reproductive Medicine
Michigan Reproductive Medicine
41000 Woodward Ave. Suite 100 East
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304
United States
Michigan Reproductive Medicine has been freezing eggs since 2008 and is the first fertility center in Michigan to successfully freeze eggs and have babies born from frozen eggs.
Our center is committed to providing patients with the most up-to date technology. Fertility preservation by egg freezing is a true game-changer by providing women the greatest opportunity to control their reproductive futures.
Fertility Preservation Services Offered
An egg or embryo freezing cycle requires quick decision-making and communication between the patient, the woman’s oncologist and Dr. Mersol-Barg. Working together as a team and educating the patient about her cancer therapy’s impact on her fertility empowers the patient to make the best decision regarding her fertility preservation.
We provide the following services to women:
Embryo Freezing Egg Freezing
Contact Information
Please call Michigan Reproductive Medicine at (248) 593-6990 or visit our website at http://www.mireproductivemedicine.com/ to find out more about your fertility preservation options.
Michigan Reproductive Medicine
41000 Woodward Ave., Suite 100 East
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304
Phone: 248-593-6990
Fax: 248-593-5925
Michael S. Mersol-Barg, MD, Director, Michigan Reproductive Medicine
Egg (Oocyte) Banking, Embryo Banking, Sperm banking
41000 Woodward Ave.
Suite 100 East
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48304
United States
Google Maps Directions
Target Sex: Not sex-specific
Language: English