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PAC 2024 Semiannual Virtual Meeting

The Pediatric and Adolescent Committee of the Oncofertility Consortium (previously the Pediatric Initiative Network- PIN) held its first Semiannual virtual meeting on July 24, 2024. The first half of the meeting consisted of an update on activities of the PAC since November 2023 including reports from the Clinical Practice, Research and Education Subcommittees. Of special note is the description of the new process for Clinical Practice Projects that want to be endorsed by the PAC. The second half of the meeting consisted of breakout rooms for each of the subcommittees. Recording for all the sessions can be found below.

Main Session: https://youtu.be/LPB5RbTbxfo
Research Breakout Session: https://youtu.be/2wQ62yovTjw
Education Breakout Session: https://youtu.be/hPi8VcU7low
Clinical Practice Breakout Session: https://youtu.be/sheffE9OlJo

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