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JARG’s Special Issue on Fertility Preservation

The Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics (JARG) has recently published a special issue on fertility preservation. JARG’s Editor-in-Chief Dr. David F. Albertini wrote:

“JARG’s evolution since 2009 continues to synchronize with the emergence and maturation of the field of fertility preservation. Call it a subspecialty within the purview of REI, or a nascent subdiscipline of reproductive medicine and biology, but whatever lens it is viewed through today, fertility preservation as a concept and a practice is making its mark on a much broader landscape than could have been predicted 13 years ago”.

“Perhaps no better example of the principle that “it takes a village” to bring a field like fertility preservation into that of a tangible and constructive discipline is there than the Oncofertility Consortium founded by Teresa Woodruff and her colleagues at Northwestern University. This effort continues to inspire and guide a generation of clinicians and scientists on an international level, fostering a spirit of collaboration and commitment to a common goal much needed in these troubled times”.

Albertini, D.F. Fertility preservation makes its mark: more than a sub-subspeciality. J Assist Reprod Genet 39, 1691–1692 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10815-022-02597-8

Explore JARG’s special issue articles: https://link.springer.com/journal/10815/volumes-and-issues/39-8

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