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Oncofertility Consortium Patient Navigator, Kristin Smith, in the News

June 13, 2011
As a patient navigator at the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University, Kristin Smith guides newly diagnosed cancer patients through a hopeful process – preserving their future ability to have children in the face of life-saving, fertility-threatening treatments. Science in Society spoke…

Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers features an article by Oncofertility Consortium members, Gwendolyn Quinn and Caprice Knapp

May 26, 2011
“While the science of fertility preservation for adolescents with cancer is advancing, the social science research in this area is lacking. Specifically, there are only a small number of studies about the psychological reproductive concerns in the pediatric oncology population. These studies have provided groundbreaking…

Cancer Magazine Increases Awareness of Oncofertility in Canada

May 26, 2011
A recent supplement of the magazine, Cancer, focuses on the specific needs of young cancer patients in Canada. The articles discuss how to increase outcomes in patients between 18 and 39 who are dealing with cancer. One article, by Hamish B. Wallace MD, FRCP titled…

Virtual Grand Rounds: Female Fertility Preservation in Practice: Where We Are, and How We Got Here (Richard Anderson)

May 18, 2011
On May 16th, Richard Anderson, MD, PhD led a discussion entitled, “Female Fertility Preservation in Practice: Where We Are, and How We Got Here.” Click below to watch his fascinating presentation.

New article featuring an interview with Oncofertility Consortium member, Gwendolyn Quinn

May 10, 2011
Dr Quinn, from the Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute and the University of South Florida, in Tampa, USA, has conducted surveys of oncologists’ referral practices. The interview covers issues such as: How communication between patients and physicians is improving. Why limited access to reproductive…

New publication by Lisa Campo-Engelstein, PhD and Sarah Rodriguez, PhD: Two Chicks in a Lab with Eggs

May 6, 2011
  In a recent article entitled, “Two Chicks in a Lab with Eggs,” previous Oncofertility Consortium postdoctoral fellows, Lisa Campo Engelstein, PhD and Sarah Rodriguez, PhD, discuss the importance of multidisciplinary work through their experiences working in the Woodruff Lab.  They demonstrate that their postdoctoral…
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