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NIH cites work done by Oncofertility Consortium
July 15, 2009
New Technique Could Sustain Cancer Patients’ Fertility Researchers Grow Immature Egg Cells in the Laboratory for 30 Days Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health have completed a critical first step in the eventual development of a technique to retain fertility in women with…
Oncofertility is Wired!
July 15, 2009
A new paper by members of the Oncofertility Consortium is featured in this week's Wired Magazine. "A Fertility First: Human Egg Cells Grow Up in Lab" talks about a new paper featured in Human Reproduction. The new paper, titled In vitro grown human ovarian follicles…
“After Cancer-The Chance of Having Children”-Renata Cabrel
July 14, 2009
IstoE discusses how the Oncofertility Consortium is bringing new hope to cancer patients in Brazil. The article also highlights how the Consortium’s patient information efforts, such as the Consortium’s blog and have helped spread the word to patients all over the globe. The full…
Chicago Tribune: Young women are encouraged to be cardiologists
June 24, 2009
Estela Mendez has become well-versed in the language of cardiology over the last few years, acting as a translator between her Spanish-speaking mother and the doctors treating her mother’s heart problems. It was no surprise then that the teen was eager to apply for a…
The Oncofertility Consortium Blog
June 19, 2009
Swing by our blog to read and comment about Oncofertility related issues! Subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed in order to stay up to date. Visit the Oncofertility Consortium blog now!
Megan Faurot Interviewed in Medill Reports
June 9, 2009
Megan discusses her transition from teaching science at Young Women’s Leadership Charter School to becoming the Director of Education Programs at the Institute for Women’s Health Research at Northwestern University. Read the interview here.