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Use of the Stadie-Riggs Tissue Slicer

The Stadie-Riggs Tissue Slicer is used in the laboratory to obtain uniform slices of ovarian cortex of defined thickness.  These tissue slices can then be used for downstream applications, including vitrification, slow freezing, follicle culture, histological analysis, etc. When borrowing the Tissue Slicer from the Woodruff Lab, the equipment can only be used with Bovine tissue for practice in order to prevent contamination with blood born pathogens or infectious diseases. If you intend to use the tissue slicer on human tissue, you should purchase a separate Tissue Slicer designated for this purpose and follow appropriate decontamination procedures between patients.

Any scientific products created as a result must attribute the grant number: NIH/NICHD P50HD076188 and the Oncofertility Consortium. Please also indicate if any issues arose during the process, so we can work to mitigate these in the future.

For questions, please contact Christine Will.

Features of the Stadie Riggs Tissue Slicer include:

  • Used frequently for preparation of thin, uniform sections of fresh tissue as necessary for metabolic studies of tissue in vitro
  • Sections average 0.5 mm in thickness
  • Consists of three flat plates of carefully machined and polished transparent methacrylate, 13 mm thick, one extended to form a handle and a thin carbon steel blade with 102 mm cutting edge; not autoclavable
  • Nickel-plated brass, detachable handle with wing nut for fastening blade
  • Parts separate easily for cleaning 

To borrow the Stadie Riggs Tissue Slicer, researchers must submit the following information:

  1. Project Significance, including background and any relevant preliminary data
  2. Project Summary, including specific aims and hypothesis
  3. Methods

The equipment will be shipped shortly after the application is reviewed and the requestor is notified. The requestor will pay all shipping costs associated with receiving and returning the equipment. The loan period will be one week starting from the day the equipment is received. If the equipment is needed longer or if there is a delay in returning the equipment, please contact us. The Woodruff Lab SOP should be referenced on how to use the Stadie-Riggs Tissue Slicer properly including the type of tissue you may use and how to clean the equipment appropriately before returning.

To return the equipment: Please return equipment in that same packaging as it was received. Ship to Woodruff Lab, Northwestern University,  303 E. Superior St., Lurie 10-250, Chicago, IL 60611.

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