The MyOncofertility Web site is now listed on The Hormone Foundation’s Web site in the “Useful Links” section, under the Public/Patients tab.
The Hormone Foundation is a rich source of hormone-related health information and targets for not only doctors and organizations, but patients and the general public too.
- The Hormone Foundation recently added a link the the MyOncofertility Web site – directing patients and the general public there to gather more information.
The MyOncofertility site will now be an addred resource for those people seeking information, and can help the Foundation uphold its mission “to serve as a resource for the public by promoting the prevention, treatment and cure of hormone-related conditions through outreach and education.”
The Foundation works directly with The Endocrine Society and its members to make information about hormones and endocrine diseases readily accessible and available to everyone.
To check out the page with the MyOncofertility Web site link, go to: Useful Links.