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New Papers from Australia

Congratulations to our colleagues in Australia who recently published two new review papers in the Journal of Psycho-Oncology. Read the abstracts below and click the links to read the full text. 

Clinician provision of oncofertility support in cancer patients of a reproductive age: A systematic review
The emerging discipline of oncofertility advocates for the timely provision of fertility information and referral for fertility preservation to all cancer patients of reproductive age (<45 years). A systematic review was undertaken on the clinician provision of oncofertility support to determine whether cancer patients are having their support needs adequately met by staff.

A Systematic Review of Patient Oncofertility Support Needs in Reproductive Cancer Patients aged 14 to 45 years of age
Decline in fertility potential brought about by a cancer diagnosis or cancer treatment is one of the biggest impacts to cancer patients' long term quality of life. As such, the current manuscript aimed to systematically review the literature on oncofertility support needs for cancer patients of a reproductive age (14-45 years of age).


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