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Annual Oncofertility Symposium

Our annual conference is an opportunity for leading researchers and healthcare providers to come together to learn about recent developments and share new ideas. Held in Chicago at the Northwestern University campus, this event is an exicting opportunity for those interested in learning more about the Oncofertility Consortium.

Oncofertility Blog

This blog provides current information about the general topic of oncofertility. Please bookmark our blog using your favorite RSS feed.

National Fertility Hotline: 866-708-FERT(3378)

This hotline is staffed with professionals who can help you, your nurse, and the patient talk through the various options for fertility management. The provider or patient can be referred to one of the 60 national Oncofertility sites for rapid assessment and care and then be returned to your care as rapidly as possible. Please feel free to call the number anytime you have questions about fertility management.


This website resource provides an interactive didactic environment for patients, parents or partners to learn about advanced fertility management technologies and provides answers to common questions about their cancer and fertility threat. Most of our providers fuve this website information to their young patients and we find a high amount of traffic on the site in the middle of the night, domestically. Our sites offers information, animations, and video testimonials to help patients understand normal fertility and how cancer treatment impacts future fertility.

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