The Oncofertility Consortium hosts monthly Virtual Grand Rounds as a way to connect researchers, clinicians, and others from across the globe to discuss emerging research and clinical services in the field of oncofertility and beyond. With this technology, a single presenter broadcasts video and data slides and viewers ask text-based questions that can be answered in real-time. An unlimited number of viewers can join these online presentations from anywhere around the world, allowing for the oncofertility community to act quickly to develop shared practices within the expanding community.
It is clear the VGRs are an overwhelming success; the Consortium has been hosting these virtual meetings since 2008! This year's 2016/2017 series will embody the theme of the year: oncofertility in no-low resource settings. This series of talks will focus on the multifaceted approach to setting up an oncofertility practice, both domestically and aboard.
All of the VGRs are available as archived material on the website. Click here to browse and view previously recorded VGRs. On behalf of the Oncofertility Consortium, we look forward to connecting with you each month!!