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Newsweek on “Preserving Parenthood”

November 11, 2010
In early September, Teresa K. Woodruff, PhD, talked with reporter Claudia Kalb about reproductive options for young cancer patients. An article published on November 8, 2010 in Newsweek Magazine discusses the current and experimental techniques that can help childhood cancer patients preserve their fertility more…

Consortium Members in the Magazine for the American Society for Cancer Research

November 10, 2010
The American Association of Cancer Research discusses fertility in the Fall issue of the CR Magazine. The series, written by Alanna Kennedy explores fertility options before and after cancer treatment with a special section on “Preserving Your Child’s Fertility.” Two members of the Oncofertility Consortium, Drs. Marla…

2010 Distinguished Research Award from ASRM awarded to Richard Stouffer, PhD

November 3, 2010
Richard Stouffer, PhD, Senior Scientist and Head of the Division of Reproductive Sciences at the Oregon National Primate Research Center, member of the Oncoferitlity Consortium and PI of the Bioengineering Primate Follicles: From Immature Eggs to Live Births project, won the 2010 Distinguished Research Award…

Oncofertility at the National Science Fair

October 29, 2010
October 23rd and 24th were exciting days to be at the National Mall in Washington, DC, where the USA Science and Engineering Festival was held. More than 850 leading science organizations presented their wares in a national effort to reinvigorate youth in science and engineering,…

Oncofertility on TIME Healthland

October 28, 2010
TIME Magazine has published a companion piece to its first article about Oncofertility, which highlighted the oncofertility story of Holly Trandel. The newer article discusses the personal story of Lindsay Beck, the founder of a fertility preservation advocacy group, Fertile Hope, which is now part…

San Diego Honors OSA Teacher-Best of Year!

October 17, 2010
Five teachers in San Diego, California were named “Teachers of the Year” during an evening gala on Saturday, October 16th, 2010. The annual televised event honored outstanding public school teachers in San Diego County. Ericka Senegar-Mitchell, PhD was one of the honored teachers. “Dr. Ericka,”…
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