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Category: News

Patient Navigator for Fertility Preservation Website Launched!

Categories: News
A new website has just been launched to provide assistance to young patients wishing to learn about their reproductive options in the midst of a cancer diagnosis. Now patients and their clinicians can go to the new Patient Navigator for Fertility Preservation website, which includes…
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New Publication on Chromosome Cohesion in Aging Eggs

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A new article in Aging Cell describes reduced chromosome cohesion with advanced maternal age. The authors Duncan, Hornick, Lampson, Schultz, Shea, and Woodruff identify that eggs from older women which were obtained following in vitro maturation resulted in an increased inter-kinetochore distance between sister chromatids.…
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Oncofertility Takes the Spotlight in the NCI Cancer Bulletin

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Young cancer patients are often left partially or completely infertile by the treatments that save their lives. This month, the NCI Cancer Bulletin features the emerging field of oncofertility in an article entitled, So Others May Benefit: Young Cancer Patients and Survivors Take Part in Oncofertility…
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Dr. Teresa Woodruff, PhD, and iExperiment Project Featured on WGN News

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The iExperiment project is an ongoing collaboration between the Oncofertility Consortium and NUIT A&RT. The office-based systems include large displays, high-definition cameras and Vidyo equipment, which allow full participation and interaction with any of the microscope computers conducting an experiment anywhere in the world. Watch…
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New Publication Online: In vitro development of secondary follicles from cryopreserved rhesus macaque ovarian tissue after slow-rate freeze or vitrification

Categories: News
A publication in Human Reproduction highlights the ability to culture secondary follicles from cryopreserved macaque ovarian tissue. The authors Ting, Yeoman, Lawson, and Zelinski compared ovarian tissue after slow-freezing or vitrification and found that vitrification appeared to better maintain the morphology of stromal cells and…
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New Publication Online: Fibrin encapsulation and vascular endothelial growth factor delivery promotes ovarian graft survival in mice

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In a publication in Tissue Engineering, Oncofertility Consortium researchers identified new methods that may be utilized to increase the success of ovarian transplantation after cryopreservation. When ovarian tissue is transplanted back into a woman who preserved her fertility, revascularization of the tissue takes some time,…
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New Publication by Oncofertility Consortium Researchers, Gwendolyn P. Quinn, Caprice Knapp, Devin Murphy, Kelly Sawczyn and Leonard Sender

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Survival takes precedence for adolescent patients with cancer and their families. Patients may not discuss their treatments’ potential to damage their reproductive capacity, which has significant psychological late effects in survivorship. This new study aims to identify whether a health-related quality of life (HRQoL) instrument intended…
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Kate Timmerman, PhD, named by the American Association of Medical Colleges to the Women in Medicine and Science Steering Committee

Categories: News
  Congratulations are in order for Kate Timmerman, PhD, Program Director for the Oncofertility Consortium, who was just named by the American Association of Medical Colleges to the Women in Medicine and Science Steering Committee. This is an exceptionally important committee and the appointments are nationally competitive. This leadership…
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Dr. Teresa Woodruff Elected New President of the Endocrine Society

Categories: News
Congratulations are in order for Professor Teresa Woodruff, Director of the Oncofertility Consortium, on her election to the presidency of The Endocrine Society.  The Endocrine Society was founded in 1916 and is the premier organization whose mission is to advance scientific discovery, medical practice and…
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New Publication by Oncofertility Consortium Members Francesca Duncan, Jennifer Jozefik, Alison Kim, Jennifer Hirshfeld-Cytron and Teresa Woodruff.

Categories: News
Oncofertility Consortium members argue in a new journal article, entitled, The Gynecologist Has a Unique Role in Providing Oncofertility Care to Young Cancer Patients, that the gynecologist is in a unique position to join the oncofertility healthcare team in providing young cancer patients with up-to-date…
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The Oncofertility Consortium is on Pinterest! Follow Us Today!

Categories: News
As many of you may already know, Pinterest is the latest social networking phenomenon where subscribers use a virtual pinboard to share information about themselves with their followers. Keeping with our committment to stay on top of the social networking scene, the Oncofertility Consortium is…
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WATCH: 5 Year History of the Oncofertility Consortium

Categories: News
The Oncofertility Consortium was launched in 2007 with a grant from the National Institutes of Health and represents a nationwide, interdisciplinary, and interprofessional network of medical specialists, scientists, and scholars who are exploring the relationships between health, disease, survivorship and fertility preservation in young cancer…
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