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Irish Independent covers Oncofertility

August 23, 2010
Ireland’s largest selling daily newspaper, the Irish Independent, recently reported on the fertility of cancer patients. The article published on August 23, 2010 is titled “Real Life: Don’t be Afraid to ask,” discusses recent fertility advances and interviews Oncofertility Consortium members. 

Oncofertility Research Presented at Goombay Bash!

August 13, 2010
The 2010 Goombay Bash raised more than $570,000 for cancer research and aired a video showing how funds from the event are used to advance science. They highlighted Dr. Teresa Woodruff and her ability to leverage a donation from the H Foundation into a multi-million…

Oncofertility Consortium Joins OMG! Mod Squad

August 2, 2010
The OMG! Mod Squad is a collaboration between leading advocacy groups in the young adult cancer community. The Oncofertility Consortium joined the group to develop local programs around the country with national experts on issues that include insurance, legal rights, sexuality and relationships, clinical trials, legislation, and…

Slate Magazine Interviews Teresa Woodruff

July 27, 2010
A recent article in Slate magazine highlights the lack of scientific and medical research on females. In preparing for the piece, author Melinda Wenner Moyer talked with Teresa Woodruff about this issue and the necessary inclusion of both sexes in research in order to achieve truly personalized…

Fox News Focus: Baby Born from Ovarian Transplant

July 16, 2010
The St. Louis affiliate of Fox News told the story of a cancer survivor on a July 15 broadcast. They highlighted a patient who underwent ovarian tissue cryopreservation at the Infertility Center of St. Louis at St. Luke’s Hospital. More than ten years later,  pieces of…

Spotlight on Oncofertility in Women’s Health

July 12, 2010
The magazine, Women’s Health, published an article in their June edition about how “Researchers in the emerging field of oncofertility are making amazing medical advances to help female cancer survivors preserve their ability to have children. So Why aren’t doctors talking about this with their…
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