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Category: Blog

“Life Interrupted,” Shares the Unique Challenges of a Young Adult with Cancer

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Suleika Jaouad is a 24-year-old writer from Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Her column, “Life, Interrupted,” appears weekly in the New York Times. Suleika chronicles her experience as a young adult with cancer and the unique challenges she faces such as infertility, psychosocial issues, and survivorship. I…
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The Need for Greater Awareness About Fertility Preservation

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Over the last twenty years, advances in fertility preservation techniques have made oncofertility more accessible to women diagnosed with cancer or other fertility impacting diseases. Despite this good news, the academic journal, Cancer, recently reported that between 1993 and 2007, only 4% of women between…
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Navigating Cancer Clinical Trials Laws

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer
We now bring to you a guest blog from the cancer advocacy group Navigating Cancer Survivorship, which provides education and resources to health care professionals, survivors, and caregivers regarding the continuum of cancer survivorship. __________ As previous blog posts have indicated, there are several laws…
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The New Pro-Choice Movement: Fertility Preservation

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, fertility, General
Fertile Action founder and fertility preservation patient advocate, Alice Crisci, shares her thoughts on the challenges patients face when navigating insurance coverage or lack there of for oncofertility procedures. _______________________________________________________ By Alice Crisci Every day, I struggle with the notion that most Americans diagnosed with cancer…
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Now Available on Amazon.com! Oncofertility Medical Practice: Clinical Issues and Implementation

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Thus far, it’s safe to say that both cancer survivors and the medical community have acknowledged the importance of patient counseling and the pursuit of fertility preservation options prior to starting cancer treatment. Over the last year, the oncofertility consortium has been busy putting together the…
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Introducing the Virtual Patient Navigator for Fertility Preservation

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation
A new website has just been launched to provide assistance to young patients wishing to learn about their reproductive options in the midst of a cancer diagnosis. As many of you know, the Oncofertility Consortium has a patient navigator for Fertility Preservation, Kristin Smith, who…
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New Article Calls for Female Fertility Preservation Best Practice Guidelines

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Fertility concerns should be addressed with all newly diagnosed reproductive age cancer patients before their treatment begins. Although some treatment courses are thought to be more damaging to fertility than others, it is imperative that every patient is well-versed about the potential impact their treatment…
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Biological Changes in Breast Cancer Relapse

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Research
In many women with recurrent breast cancer, the estrogen receptor(ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) status of their tumors changes between treatment for the primary tumor and relapse, a large retrospective study has found. The findings, published June 18 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology,
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The debate on personalized genetic testing

By: Kai Orton, PhD -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, In the news
An estimated 848, 000 men and 790,000 women will be diagnosed with some form of cancer this year according to the American Cancer Society.  New genetic sequencing technologies have made it possible to get personalized genetic tests to determine one’s risk for developing a disease,…
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The National Cancer Institute Focuses on Oncofertility

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
About 70,000 adolescents and young adults (ages 15-39) are diagnosed with cancer each year in the United States. During cancer treatment, adolescents and young adults (AYA) may focus all of their energy on getting through treatment. Some may not have spent much time talking or…
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Cancer Connections: Saturday, July 21st in Chicago

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, General
Cancer Connections is an event held three times a year for individuals affected by a cancer diagnosis, to learn about services, meet advocacy groups and get the tools needed to manage the disease. In less than 2 weeks, Cancer Connections is holding its second session,…
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Symposium, Hands-On Workshops Promote Biotechnology Teaching

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Education, In the news
-By Marilyn Sherman A series of workshops designed to promote the teaching of biotechnology in Chicago Public Schools kicked off with a June 19 symposium featuring pioneering Northwestern University cancer researcher Teresa K. Woodruff. The event also connected educators to the partners sponsoring the workshops — Northwestern’s…
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New Report: 2012 Cancer Facts, Figures & Survivorship Information

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, General
The number of Americans with a history of cancer is growing due to the aging and growth of the population, as well as improving survival rates. In response to this demographic trend, The American Cancer Society (ACS) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) compiled a…
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New Fertility and Cancer Study from Oncofertility Consortium Member, Jennifer Mersereau, MD

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Advances in cancer treatments give young women more hope for survival than ever before, but many treatments can leave women unable to naturally conceive a child. The University of North Carolina (UNC) Fertility Preservation Program, a member of the National Physicians Cooperative, provides options for…
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True North Treks Supports Young Cancer Survivors in Paddleboarding Classic

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, fertility, Oncofertility
The adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivor network is  slowly starting to build steam as more and more people begin to recognize the special needs of this demographic. AYA’s not only face a cancer diagnosis at a young age, but as a result, they…
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Teal Diva Shares Her Story of Cancer, Fertility, and Resilience

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
As part of our guest blog series, the Oncofertility Consortium would like to introduce our readers to Shannon Routh, and her organization for young survivors of ovarian and gynecologic cancers, Teal Diva, founded in 2009. Below is a post she wrote about her experience with…
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Clinic 101: Building a Fertility Preservation Program

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Fertility Preservation (FP) programs are imperative to comprehensive cancer treatment plans, but not all providers are able to offer this level of care to their patients. Often, this is not for lack of want, but rather it results from a scarcity of resources or insufficient…
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The Relationship between Pain, Opioids, and Hormonal Side Effects in Cancer Patients

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, General, Research, science
Pain is a common symptom among cancer patients and a large percentage of cancer patients are treated with opioids to control this side effect. Some cancer therapies are very rigorous and require opioid analgesics on an ongoing basis to treat the pain resulting from aggressive…
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