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Category: News

Live births following ovarian tissue vitrification

Categories: News
We are thrilled to learn about advances from our Japanese Global Partners!  Nao Suzuki, MD and his colleagues at St. Marianna University School of Medicine, have recently published their live births from vitrification.  Their article, Successful fertility preservation following ovarian tissue vitrificaiton in patients with…
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Adoption and Cancer Survivors: New Study from Moffitt Cancer Center

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Gwendolyn Quinn, PhD and her team from Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa, Florida have recently published Adoption and Cancer Survivors: Findings From a Learning Activity for Oncology Nurses in Cancer.  In this publication, Quinn outlines the need for a study determining the rate at which…
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New Oncofertility Publication from the Colorado Oncofertility Program!

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The Colorado Oncofertility Program has written an article which was published in the most recent volume of Journal of Cancer Survivorship.  The article, “Seamless integration of clinical care and research in an innovative fertility preservation program: the Colorado Oncofertility Program model“, is written by Kiara…
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New Publication from Oncofertility Consortium Members – A small field for fertile science: the low visibility of reproductive science in high impact journals

Categories: News
The Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics recently published a report by Oncofertility Consortium® members, Francesca Duncan, PhD, Benjamin Derman, MD, and Teresa K. Woodruff, PhD, entitled “A small field for fertile science: the low visibility of reproductive science in high impact journals”.  This article assesses…
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Announcing new Book on Oncofertility Communication: Sharing Information and Building Relationships across Disciplines

Categories: News
    Oncofertility Consortium is proud to announce the publication of its fourth book, Oncofertility Communication: Sharing Information and Building Relationships across Disciplines. The book, published by Springer, describes the corridors of collaboration between disciplines that are needed to bridge fields that are not traditionally…
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First Human Live Birth Reported from Vitrified Ovarian Tissue

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Reproductive scientists across the globe have been discussing the news that a group from Japan has just reported the first human birth from previously vitrified ovarian tissue.  The article, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), describes the research by Kawamuraa,…
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New York Times Covers Fertility After Cancer

Categories: News
A new article in the New York Times discusses some new research and clinical advances in oncofertility. The piece, After Cancer, Fertility Is Often Within Reach, discusses some of the new findings in reproductive health survivorship after cancer that were recently announced in the Lancet Oncology. It also…
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Endocrine Society Announces Barbara Keenan as new CEO

Categories: News
Today the Endocrine Society announced that Barbara Byrd Keenan will join the team as the new Chief Executive Officer. In a recent press release, the society’s president, Teresa Woodruff, PhD, made the announcement and noted that, “Ms. Keenan will be instrumental in helping the Society…
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Washington Post Discusses Oncofertility

Categories: News
Oncofertility awareness increased this week when the Washington Post published an article on the critical subject. The piece, Oncofertility offers new options for young women with cancer who want to have kids, introduces the concept of oncofertility for cancer patients and discusses the need for…
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NPR Interview with Dr. Laxmi Kondapalli

Categories: News
Laxmi Kondapalli, MD, an Assistant Professor, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the University of Colorado, was recently interviewed on How On Earth, a half-hour National Public Radio audio magazine featuring short stories about the recent news in science, plus live interviews and special features. In the…
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Congratulations to the Women Survivors Alliance

Categories: News
Congratulations to the Women Survivors Alliance on their first ever National Women’s Survivors Convention – September 22-24, 2013. There are more than 7 million women cancer survivors in the United States who traveled the journey from healthy lives through cancer diagnoses and treatment. But their…
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ASCO Updates Fertility Preservation Guidelines

Categories: News
To help doctors give their patients the best possible care, the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) asks its medical experts to develop recommendations for specific areas of cancer care. In 2006, ASCO developed recommendations for fertility preservation for people with cancer. These recommendations were…
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Oncofertility Program Gives Hope to Young Cancer Patients Desiring Families

Categories: News
Through oncofertility specialists, patients are now being counseled about options available to help maintain fertility prior to cancer treatment. Today, oncologists at the University of Colorado Cancer Center are referring patients of childbearing age to its new Oncofertility Program led by Laxmi Kondapalli, MD, MSCE.…
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Oncofertility Consortium Member, Laxmi Kondapalli, MD, MSCE, Making News

Categories: News
In 2011, Oncofertility Consortium member, Laxmi Kondapalli, MD, MSCE, started Colorado’s first fertility preservation program for cancer patients at CU School of Medicine. Recently, Dr. Kondapalli was featured in CU’s philanthropy magazine, Creating Futures, at a fundraising event she hosted entitled, Cocktails for a Cure at…
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The Oncofertility Consortium Reaches 1,000 Followers on Twitter

Categories: News
The Oncofertility Consortium is proud to announce that we have reached over 1,000 followers on Twitter! If you have not already, please follow our posts on the popular social media site, www.twitter.com/oncofertility. Not only do we post about cancer and fertility related basic science and…
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New Publication from Oncofertility Consortium Members: Future Directions in Oncofertility and Fertility Preservation: A Report from the 2011 Oncofertility Consortium Conference

Categories: News
The Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology recently published a report by Oncofertility Consortium members, Kate E. Waimey, PhD, Francesca E. Duncan, PhD, H. Irene Su, MD, Kristin Smith, Harlan Wallach, MFA, Kemi Jona, PhD, Christos Coutifaris, MD, PhD, Clarisa R. Gracia, MD, MSCE, Lonnie D. Shea, PhD, Robert E. Brannigan, MD, R. Jeffrey Chang,…
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New Publication from Oncofertility Consortium Members: Morphological and Functional Preservation of Pre-Antral Follicles after Vitrification of Macaque Ovarian Tissue in a Closed System

Categories: News
Oncofertility Consortium members, Ting AY, Yeoman RR, Campos JR, Lawson MS, Mullen SF, Fahy GM, Zelinski MB, published a paper in Human Reproduction entitled, Morphological and functional preservation of pre-antral follicles after vitrification of macaque ovarian tissue in a closed system. Researchers asked the question: what are the appropriate conditions to…
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