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Oncofertility Publication: Fertility Preservation Attitudes and Actions

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, Research
In 2006, the American Society of Clinical Oncology published recommendations that oncologists discuss fertility preservation with cancer patients. A recent survey, funded by the Oncofertility Consortium’s pilot grant program, investigated pediatric oncologists’ attitudes about fertility preservation and their patterns referring young people for fertility consultations.…
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Oncofertility Publication: Insuring Against Infertility for Young Cancer Fighters

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Research
In 1985, Maryland passed innovative legislation that required health insurance companies to cover the costs of fertility treatments. Since that time 15 U.S. states followed suit and now require insurance companies to cover the costs of egg retrieval, in vitro fertilization, and other infertility treatments for people…
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Cancer Care After Katrina

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
During the summer of 2005, many people were undergoing cancer treatments in New Orleans, Louisiana. Their whole lives had been turned upside down by cancer and they were completely focused on fighting their disease.  That all changed when Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in…
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Publication on Pediatric Oncologists’ Oncofertility Referral Patterns

Categories: News
Every year, the Oncofertility Consortium provides funding for pilot studies to investigate emerging aspects of oncofertility. The results of one pilot study termed the Survey for Preservation of Adolescent Reproduction (SPARE) were just published in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics by Oncofertility Consortium…
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Insuring Against Infertility Article Published

Categories: News
The Winter 2010 edition of the Journal of Law, Medicine, and Ethics includes a discussion by Oncofertility Consortium researchers Daniel Basco, Lisa Camp-Engelstein, Ph.D., and Sarah Rodriguez, Ph.D. Many states have existing mandates that require health insurance companies to cover the costs of infertility treatments. This article…
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So long, Movember!

By: Jacqueline Kestler -
Categories: Blog, General
Congratulations to all of the Mo Bros and Mo Sistas who participated in Movember 2010!  The month quickly flew by and it was great following along many Movember adventures through their Twitter account and website.  Almost half a million people worldwide registered for Movember, bringing…
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Genetic and Environmental Factors of Twinning

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
The Gemini Twins in the Zodiac Have you noticed that there seem to be more twins running around these days? If so, you are right. Since the mid-1970s, the rates of twin births have been increasing steadily and not just in the United States. Historians…
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Fertility at the 13th Annual Oncology Nursing Conference

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, General, Oncofertility
In 1998, the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center at Northwestern University assembled a group of nurses and other oncology experts together for an inaugural oncology nursing conference. Every year since, this successful conference has highlighted emerging topics to oncology nurses from around the Midwest.…
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Giving Thanks

By: Jacqueline Kestler -
Categories: Blog, General
In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday upon us tomorrow, I asked people at the Oncofertility Consortium to tell me why they are thankful for fertility preservation. I received some very thoughtful and meaningful responses: I am thankful for fertility preservation because it demonstrates a…
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Empowering Patients Through Education

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General
Over the past decades, the patient-doctor relationship has changed dramatically in the United States. This may be due to changes in the amount of time that patients spend with their doctors and the rising costs of health care. Consequently, patients often spend more time educating…
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Reducing Economic Disparities in Cancer Diagnosis and Survival

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Research
Socio-economic status plays a profound effect on cancer diagnosis and survival rates. For example, breast cancer patients of low socio-economic status have significantly reduced survival rates compared to women from more privileged backgrounds. This increased mortality is partially caused by reduced screenings and delayed cancer…
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New Oncofertility Book Gets 5 Stars!

Categories: News
Doody’s Publishers’ Club, which provides reviews for recent publications in the health sciences, rated the Consortium’s new book, Oncofertility: Ethical, Legal, Social, and Medical Perspectives, a 97 out of 100. This glowing review assesses that the book is, “useful for all who work in any aspect of cancer,…
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Women’s Health Science Program Expands to Include the Physical Sciences

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Oncofertility Saturday Academy
In 2007, the Oncofertility Consortium joined forces with the Women’s Health Science Program (WHSP) to launch a unique high school-university science partnership called the Oncofertility Saturday Academy. This weekend program allows girls in the Chicago Public Schools to learn about scientific and clinical concepts in…
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Newsweek on “Preserving Parenthood”

Categories: News
In early September, Teresa K. Woodruff, PhD, talked with reporter Claudia Kalb about reproductive options for young cancer patients. An article published on November 8, 2010 in Newsweek Magazine discusses the current and experimental techniques that can help childhood cancer patients preserve their fertility more…
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Oncofertility Scientist for a Day

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Oncofertility
Day 2 with our embedded journalist. —– By Kirsten Tellam I was really excited for my day at the oncofertility lab today– I actually got my hands in a pair of gloves and did some work! First it was time for follicle isolation. Ovaries are…
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Ready for Movember!!

By: Jacqueline Kestler -
Categories: Blog, General
Don’t worry, it’s not a typo – Movember is the proper name for the month of November where men join together to grow moustaches (aka the mo) for the whole month in order to fundraise and raise awareness about cancers that affect men.  The moustache…
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Trick or Tweet!

By: Jacqueline Kestler -
Categories: Blog, General
I’m a newcomer to Twitter, never having caught on to the Twitter craze that has become so popular among groups and individuals, young and old.  In working with oncofertility@twitter, I must admit that I am really enjoying learning how Twitter works, and most importantly, learning…
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Oncofertility at the National Science Fair

Categories: News
October 23rd and 24th were exciting days to be at the National Mall in Washington, DC, where the USA Science and Engineering Festival was held. More than 850 leading science organizations presented their wares in a national effort to reinvigorate youth in science and engineering,…
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