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New Oncofertility Book!

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, Fertility Preservation, Publication
The fifth book in the oncofertility series:  Pediatric and Adolescent Oncofertility Best Practices and Emerging Technologies, is now available for purchase! ​The first book of its kind presenting a comprehensive discussion of pediatric and adolescent oncofertility. Congratulations to all of our colleagues who contributed to this…
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VGR: Oncofertility in Portugal

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner, Oncofertility, Virtual Grand Rounds
On January 18, 2017, Dr. Teresa Almeida Santos and her PhD student, Claudia Melo, presented the first Virtual Grand Rounds meeting of 2017. Their presentation focused on oncofertility in Portugal and the advances made at the Centro de Preservação da Fertilidade Portugal since the program…
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Portuguese Recommendations for Fertility Preservation

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner, Publication
Colleagues in Portugal recently published the Portuguese Recommendations for Fertility Preservation in the Portuguese Journal of Oncology.  The recommendations can be found here. Congratulations to our colleagues on this incredible accomplishment!  Reference: Ana Teresa Almeida Santos, Gabriela Sousa, Adriana Teixeira, Pepe Cardoso, Cláudia Melo, Alexandra Teixeira,
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Oncofertility Review from Japan

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner, Oncofertility, Publication
Drs. Miyuki Harada and Yutaka Osuga, both colleagues in Japan, recently published a perspectives article in Future Oncology: Where are oncofertility and fertility preservation treatments heading in 2016? Below is an excerpt from the paper which assesses the state of oncofertility and the progress of the field in 2016. Congratulations to our colleagues on a job well…
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Oncofertility in Japan

Author image - Teresa K Woodruff, PhD By: Teresa K Woodruff, PhD -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Fertility Preservation, Global Partner, Meetings
I had the privilege of attending the first Oncofertility Nursing meeting and the first meeting of the Oncofertility Consortium JAPAN 2016 this week in Tokyo.  My hosts were Nao Suzuki, MD St. Marianna University School of Medicine  and Naoko Hayashi St. Luke’s International University.  Each…
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New Oncofertility Publication in JARG

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, National Physicians Cooperative, Oncofertility, Publication, Research, science
Dr. Monica Laronda and colleagues recently published a paper in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction entitled "Good manufacturing practice requirements for the production of tissue vitrification and warming and recovery kits for clinical research​" . The main objective of this study was to establish an easy-to-use kit…
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Increasing Awareness and Access to Oncofertility Care

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Fertility Preservation, Global Partner, In the news, Oncofertility, Publication, Research
Oncofertility colleagues, Drs. Richard Anderson and Melanie Davies from the UK recently published an editorial in The BMJ encouraging specialists across the UK to standardize fertility preservation interventions since awareness about fertility preservation remains relatively low. Despite national guidelines, obstacles still remain in terms of…
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Stay Connected!

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Communication, Fertility Preservation, General, Global Partner, In the news, Meetings, National Physicians Cooperative, Oncofertility, Publication, Research, science
Are you getting the latest information from the Oncofertility Consortium?  Click here to have blogs delivered directly to your inbox. Sign up or connect with us on social media for all the latest oncofertility news and updates.  Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Find us…
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A Medical Student’s Experience from the 2016 Oncofertility Conference

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Meetings, Oncofertility
Each year the Oncofertility Conference brings together a diverse group of professionals who all share a passion for oncofertility. Oncofertility is a field that brings together a variety of different disciplines, backgrounds, and levels of experience. All conference attendees are encouraged to interact freely and it is…
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Announcement from Brazil

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner
The Oncofertility Consortium congratulates Dr. Joao Pedro Caetano who is the newly elected president of the Brazilian Society of Human Reproduction.  The Brazilian Society of Human Reproduction was founded 70 years ago and is the most active organization in the region, bringing together physicians, scientists…
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Oncofertility Resources Available in Turkish

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner
As part of the Oncofertility Consortium's ongoing efforts to provide native language resources to patients and providers around the world, SaveMyFertility.org is now available in Turkish. Global Partner, Dr. Ayse Arvas from Onkofertilite Turkiye recently translated these resources and they are all available online now. This…
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New Publication from Portuguese Global Partners

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner, Publication
Congratulations to our colleagues in Portugal who recently published a paper in Human Reproduction. The paper Factors associated with ovarian function recovery after chemotherapy for breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis appeared in the September online issue of the journal. To read the article it its entirety, click here. 
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Presentations from the 2016 Oncofertility Conference Now Online!!

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
Thank you all for attending the 2016 Oncofertility Conference.  This marked the 10th anniversary of the Oncofertility Conference and it was such a success. Thank you to all our speakers for giving such great talks and thanks to all our attendees who made this conference truly…
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New Publication from German Global Partner

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner, Publication
Congratulations to our partners in Germany who recently published in Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology. Many of the authors are members of the Research Group for Reproductive Medicine, Medical Faculty, Cologne University. Below are details about the paper and a link to access the full publication.  Cryopreservation…
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Survivors of Childhood Cancer POI Surveillance Recommendations

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog
This report represents a unique collaborative effort among international specialists in the field of oncology and reproductive medicine. An evidence based approach was used to develop recommendations regarding surveillance for premature ovarian insufficiency in female childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer survivors.  In particular, because females…
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Fertility Drugs and Cancer Guideline Issued by ASRM

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog
Recently the American Society for Reproductive Medicine issued a new guideline assessing the impact of fertility drugs on the risk of cancer in women. This guideline was developed after a comprehensive literature search and grading the available data on this topic. The committee concluded that…
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