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Category: Oncofertility

Global Perspectives: Tracking Fertility Preservation Internationally

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Global Partner, Oncofertility, Research
Dr. Anazodo, Director of the Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Center at Sydney Children’s Hospital in Australia, explained how big data can be used to track and improve fertility preservation procedures. The FUTuRE (Fertility Understanding Through Registry and Evaluation) Fertility Research Group was created to identify barriers…
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Dr. Smith: Restoring Fertility in Males

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, Conferences, ethics, fertility, General, Oncofertility
Dr. Smith, a reproductive urologist at UCSF, educated us on the impact of cancer treatment on male fertility and the growing need for male oncofertility treatments as childhood cancer survival rates continues to increase. As has been a theme today, Dr. Smith reviewed how alkylating…
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Dr. Campo-Engelstein: Ethical Considerations in Adolescents

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, children, Conferences, fertility, Oncofertility
Dr. Campo-Engelstein, PhD in bioethics at Albany Medical College, gave a compelling review of the key ethical considerations in ovarian stimulation in adolescent cancer patients. She led attendees through a range of topics and emphasized how the biologically-determined differences in treatment by sex have real ethical ramifications for…
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Dr. Su: Ovarian Stimulation in Adolescents

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, Conferences, ethics, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Dr. Su, of UCSD, gave an eloquent and stimulating lecture reviewing medical considerations in adolescents undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation for fertility preservation. Mature oocyte and embryo cryopreservation are established fertility preservation methods associated with high success rates. Dr. Su discussed how results of a case series…
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Dr. Gracia: Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Dr. Gracia, Professor, Practicing REI and Director of Fertility Preservation at UPenn, kicked off our afternoon session with a comprehensive review of ovarian tissue cryopreservation. She first reviewed indications for ovarian cryopreservation, which is an experimental option for patients who cannot pursue established methods such as…
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Dr. Sklar: Outcomes in Childhood Cancer Survivors

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, Conferences, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility, Research
Dr. Sklar, Pediatric Endocrinologist, Survivorship expert and Director of the Long-term Follow-up program at Memorial Sloan Kettering, provided the morning keynote address and the first clinical lecture of the Consortium. He reviewed how long-term outcomes are highly dependent on both treatment (e.g. radiation vs. chemotherapy)…
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Dr. Clark: Female Germ Cells Differentiation

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Conferences, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility, Research
Dr. Amander Clark of UCLA reviewed how differentiation of germ cells can be achieved from induced pluripotent stem cells (IPS). She reviewed how cells from the inner cell mass develop into the epiblast, which develop into all somatic cells including the primordial germ cell which differentiates into…
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Dr. Zelinski: Ovarian Vitrification

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, fertility, Oncofertility, Research, science
Dr. Mary Zelinski of Oregon Health Sciences University spoke about advances in vitrification of ovarian tissue and follicles in primates. She reviewed her lab’s technique for vitrification in a closed system which has been shown to preserve primordial, primary and secondary follicles in Macaques. Since,…
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Dr. Woodruff: Advances in Ovarian Follicle Development

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, General, Oncofertility, Research, science
The morning session, advances in bench research, began with a stimulating and thorough review on ovarian follicle development in vitro by Dr. Woodruff. Attendees learned that human follicle culture in vivo using a two-step, growth-stage-dependent maturation process is associated with greater success. New data on…
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Streaming live from the 2015 Oncofertility Conferece

Author image - Leah Bressler By: Leah Bressler -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Today, we’re excited to introduce a new blog series streaming live from the 9th annual Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond, which focuses on pediatric oncofertility and is attended by physicians and scientists from all over the globe. First a quick introduction from…
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November 5th: Breakout Sessions

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Education, Oncofertility
This week, Oncofertility Consortium is excited to offer FREE breakout sessions for attendees of our 9th Annual Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond on Thursday, November 5th. Detailed information will also be included in your conference programs.  Please plan to attend if you’re still in…
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Sponsor Highlight: Corner Bakery

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
The Oncofertility Consortium is so lucky to have the support of a number of sponsors for our upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond. Today, we’d like to highlight Corner Bakery for their generous donation of lunch on November 3rd and Snacks on November 4th.…
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Sponsor Highlight: SurvivorVision

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
The Oncofertility Consortium is so lucky to have the support of a number of sponsors for our upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond. Today, we’d like to highlight SurvivorVision for their generous sponsorship.  We thank them for their consistent work with cancer survivors! **************************************************
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Sponsor Highlight: SeventyK

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
The Oncofertility Consortium is so lucky to have the support of a number of sponsors for our upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond. Today, we’d like to highlight SeventyK for their generous sponsorship.  We thank them for their consistent advocacy for adolescent and young adult cancer…
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Sponsor Highlight: EMD Serono

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
The Oncofertility Consortium is so lucky to have the support of a number of sponsors for our upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond. Today, we’d like to highlight EMD Serono for their generous sponsorship.  We thank them for their consistent support and collaboration! **************************************************
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Sponsor Highlight: Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Conferences, Oncofertility
The Oncofertility Consortium is so lucky to have the support of a number of sponsors for our upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond. Today, we’d like to highlight the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center for their generous sponsorship.  The funds provided by the…
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November 4th: Keynote Highlight

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
In the coming days and weeks, we will highlight different sessions of the upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond and our wonderful speakers. Today, we’re sharing the speaker bio for our November 4th, 2015 Keynote, Brandon Hayes-Lattin, MD ************************************************** Brandon Hayes-Lattin, MD, Medical Director,…
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November 4th: Afternoon Session Highlights

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
In the coming days and weeks, we will highlight different sessions of the upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond and our wonderful speakers. Today, we’re sharing speaker bios for the Afternoon Session on November 4th, 2015 which focuses on Survivorship ************************************************** Terri L. Woodard,…
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November 4th: Afternoon Panel Session Highlights

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
In the coming days and weeks, we will highlight different sessions of the upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond and our wonderful speakers. Today, we’re sharing speaker bios for the Afternoon Panel Session on November 4th, 2015 which focuses on Survivorship and Psycho-social issues and is…
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November 4th: Morning Panel Session Highlights

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
In the coming days and weeks, we will highlight different sessions of the upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond and our wonderful speakers. Today, we’re sharing speaker bios for the Morning Panel Session on November 4th, 2015 which focuses on Gender Dysphoria and is…
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November 4th: Morning Session Highlights

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
In the coming days and weeks, we will highlight different sessions of the upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond and our wonderful speakers. Today, we’re sharing speaker bios for the Morning Session on November 4th, 2015 which focuses on Critical Topics Beyond the Oncobox…
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November 3rd: Global Perspectives Highlight

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Oncofertility
In the coming days and weeks, we will highlight different sessions of the upcoming Oncofertility Conference, Critical Conversations in Oncofertility: Pediatrics and Beyond and our wonderful speakers. Today, we’re sharing the speaker bio for the November 3rd Global Perspectives presentation by Antionette Anazodo, MD. ********************************************************* Antoinette Anazodo,…
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