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New Fertility and Cancer Study from Oncofertility Consortium Member, Jennifer Mersereau, MD

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Advances in cancer treatments give young women more hope for survival than ever before, but many treatments can leave women unable to naturally conceive a child. The University of North Carolina (UNC) Fertility Preservation Program, a member of the National Physicians Cooperative, provides options for…
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Dr. Teresa Woodruff, PhD, and iExperiment Project Featured on WGN News

Categories: News
The iExperiment project is an ongoing collaboration between the Oncofertility Consortium and NUIT A&RT. The office-based systems include large displays, high-definition cameras and Vidyo equipment, which allow full participation and interaction with any of the microscope computers conducting an experiment anywhere in the world. Watch…
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True North Treks Supports Young Cancer Survivors in Paddleboarding Classic

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, fertility, Oncofertility
The adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivor network is  slowly starting to build steam as more and more people begin to recognize the special needs of this demographic. AYA’s not only face a cancer diagnosis at a young age, but as a result, they…
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Teal Diva Shares Her Story of Cancer, Fertility, and Resilience

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
As part of our guest blog series, the Oncofertility Consortium would like to introduce our readers to Shannon Routh, and her organization for young survivors of ovarian and gynecologic cancers, Teal Diva, founded in 2009. Below is a post she wrote about her experience with…
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Clinic 101: Building a Fertility Preservation Program

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Fertility Preservation (FP) programs are imperative to comprehensive cancer treatment plans, but not all providers are able to offer this level of care to their patients. Often, this is not for lack of want, but rather it results from a scarcity of resources or insufficient…
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The Relationship between Pain, Opioids, and Hormonal Side Effects in Cancer Patients

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, General, Research, science
Pain is a common symptom among cancer patients and a large percentage of cancer patients are treated with opioids to control this side effect. Some cancer therapies are very rigorous and require opioid analgesics on an ongoing basis to treat the pain resulting from aggressive…
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New Tool for Fertility Preservation in Community Cancer Centers

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General
In 1974 a small group of physicians seeking to dispel the myth that community physicians were uninterested in and incapable of participation in state-of-the-art cancer care came together to form the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC). ACCC was born to give oncology practitioners in…
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iSaveFertility Canadian Invasion!

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
As you may already know, The Oncofertility Consortium partnered with the Endocrine Society to release the free, iSaveFertility iPhone App nearly a year ago this week.  iSaveFertility was developed to give oncologists and fertility specialists a quick reference guide for preserving the fertility of children, women…
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Fertility Preservation and Sex Disparities

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Infertility has been associated with psychological distress and can have a negative impact on quality of life in cancer survivors.  Reproductive concerns are often sited among young cancer survivors prior to, and following cancer treatment. A number of fertility preservation (FP) options are available to…
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May 17th Live Podcast: Reproductive Technology at the Office of Research on Women’s Health

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Research, science
A person’s health is influenced by many factors; including, sex, gender, culture, environment, and income. Researchers are discovering the critical roles that sex and gender identity play in health, wellness, and disease progression. The discoveries being made through the study of women’s health and sex…
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Gaps in Fertility Preservation Knowledge in Young Cancer Survivors

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Infertility is serious and often underestimated side effect of cancer treatment. Ensuring cancer patients are equipped with the necessary health information to protect and preserve their fertility in a time sensitive manner is a critical component to comprehensive cancer care. In a new article in…
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This Mother’s Day: A Journey Through Fertility Preservation, Surrogacy and Sisterhood

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, General, In the news, Oncofertility
This Sunday is Mother’s Day. Many of you may have plans with your family doing your best to ensure that the day is celebrated, and the women in your life who fit this profile, past and present, are honored in some way. It goes without…
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Oncofertility at the USA Science & Engineering Festival

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Education, fertility, General, Oncofertility
By Nadia Johnson In October 2010, the Center for Reproductive Research (CRR) supported an exhibit at the inaugural USA Science & Engineering Festival, held on the National Mall, in Washington, DC, in which we showcased the Women’s Health Science Program, drew attention to the under-representation…
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New Publication Online: In vitro development of secondary follicles from cryopreserved rhesus macaque ovarian tissue after slow-rate freeze or vitrification

Categories: News
A publication in Human Reproduction highlights the ability to culture secondary follicles from cryopreserved macaque ovarian tissue. The authors Ting, Yeoman, Lawson, and Zelinski compared ovarian tissue after slow-freezing or vitrification and found that vitrification appeared to better maintain the morphology of stromal cells and…
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New Publication Online: Fibrin encapsulation and vascular endothelial growth factor delivery promotes ovarian graft survival in mice

Categories: News
In a publication in Tissue Engineering, Oncofertility Consortium researchers identified new methods that may be utilized to increase the success of ovarian transplantation after cryopreservation. When ovarian tissue is transplanted back into a woman who preserved her fertility, revascularization of the tissue takes some time,…
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Fertility Concerns Among Female Adolescent Cancer Patients and their Parents

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Research
Pediatric cancer, a disease once thought to be primarily incurable, now has an 80% cure rate as a result of clinical advances in technology, pharmaceuticals and screening. For many young patients and their families, survival takes precedence over all other issues immediately following a cancer…
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Scientists Around Globe Peer Into Chicago Microscope at Same Time

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, In the news, Research, science
The Oncofertility Consortium uses emerging technologies, such as Virtual Grand Rounds, to speed the pace of research. Read about a new way we are doing this to facilitate global collaboration between scientists. ______________ iExperiment technology gives overseas scientists direct view into Northwestern microscope during experiment,…
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Nadia Johnson on Oncofertility Education and Policy

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Education, General, In the news, Oncofertility, Oncofertility Saturday Academy
Recently my colleague and office buddy, Nadia Johnson, was featured in the Spring 2012 issue of Inquiry, Northwestern University’s School of Education and Social Policy’s (SESP) quarterly magazine, in an article entitled, “Higher Education Student Nadia Johnson: Motivating Girls to Study Science.” Nadia is the…
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