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Category: Blog

Insurance Information for Student Cancer Patients and Survivors

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
We have previously blogged about some of the insurance issues that cancer patients deal with when considering fertility preservation. Many cancer patients and cancer survivors already also come across complications when becoming full-time college students. The Medical Insurance Blog recently compiled a list of articles…
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Parthe-what? How Parthenotes Could Advance Oncofertility Research

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility, Research
Picture by Alison Kim, PhD Many people have never heard of the term parthenote, the byproduct of a process called parthenogenesis. Parthenogenesis occurs when an egg becomes activated and starts dividing without sperm. While parthenogenesis happens frequently in many plants and vertebrate animals, it is…
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New Research: A Fertile Future for Cancer Fighters

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Research
In previous blogs, we discuss some of the currently available techniques in oncofertility, including sperm banking for men and ovarian tissue cryopreservation (OTC) for women. As one of the newer techniques, OTC allows women to have their ovaries removed, cryopreserved, and then reimplanted later. This…
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Mythbusters in Oncofertility: In Vitro Fertilization Causes Birth Defects

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General
In preparing for fertility preservation, cancer fighters may worry about the risks of fertility preservation on the health of their future children. Fertility techniques, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), produced more than a million babies over the past 30 years. As such, it is…
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Mythbusters in Oncofertility

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
This week we will explore some common and not-so-common misconceptions in fertility, cancer, and oncofertility. ____________________ Mythbuster: The Day “The Rabbit Died” Nope, this is not a new rendition of “Bye-bye, miss American pie” by Don McLean. “The Rabbit Died” used to be a common…
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What Makes a Good Egg and Healthy Embryo?

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Research
Discovery about zinc’s role may help in future fertility treatments By Marla Paul CHICAGO — Scientists as well as fertility doctors have long tried to figure out what makes a good egg that will produce a healthy embryo. It’s a particularly critical question for fertility…
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Tenth Annual Goombay Bash at Navy Pier in Chicago

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
The H Foundation is a non-profit organization that raises money to further the fight against cancer. According to Director Julie Jandris, the foundation was started when two Chicago-based entrepreneurs both had “employees pass away from cancer within one month of each other.” A group of…
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Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Uses MyOncofertility.org

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, in Boston, Massachusetts uses MyOncofertility.org to explain reproductive options to their patients. The Survivorship Program at Dana-Farber is developing online tools to discuss the fertility concerns that men and women face when being treated for cancer. In order to clearly explain some…
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Imerman Angels Provides Support for Cancer Fighters

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
Jonny Imerman is a two-time testicular cancer survivor and founder of the cancer advocacy group, Imerman Angels, which connects cancer patients and their caregivers with the one-on-one support of cancer survivors. Last Friday, Jonny visited the Oncofertility Consortium and discussed his motivation behind Imerman Angels. Imerman…
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Fertility Preservation Patient Blogs About Her Experience

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General
More than two years ago, Kara DeFrias began a blog about her journey to conceive a child. Over two years, this journey was unsuccessful. In the attempt to determine the cause of her infertility, doctors discovered that Kara had uterine cancer in February of 2010,…
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Radiation to Ovaries Increases Risk for Stillbirth: A Potential Use for Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation?

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Research
Radiation therapy is a tried-and-true method for treating cancers. However, this treatment also causes tissue damage and DNA mutations to the patient. Damage to the sexual organs or DNA mutations within male sperm or female eggs may cause pregnancies to result in miscarriages, stillbirths, or…
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Preorder New Oncofertility Book on Amazon

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Oncofertility
In 2007, the first book about Oncofertility discussed many of the scientific and medical advances available to cancer patients wishing to preserve their fertility. Collaborators at the Oncofertility Consortium now examine the humanities and social science aspects of the field in the book Oncofertility: Ethical,…
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Fertility Preservation for Patients with Autoimmune Diseases

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General
Patients with cancer and those in need in of stem cell treatments often risk losing their fertility in exchange for a clean bill of health. Fertility preservation options give these patients the ability to have children. Additional patients, such as those with autoimmune diseases, can…
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Bright Pink Visits the Oncofertility Consortium

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
This past Monday, Sarah Halberstadt, the National Program Manager for the group Bright Pink came to visit us at the Oncofertility Consortium. Bright Pink is a not-for-profit organization that educates and supports young women who are at high-risk for breast and ovarian cancer. The members…
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Insurance Often Doesn’t Cover Fertility Preservation Costs

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Receiving a cancer diagnosis is traumatizing. Your doctor runs some tests, possibly sends you to a specialist, and then tells you the bad news. Within a few days, you must process this life-changing information, decide on and receive fertility preservation, and start cancer therapy. But…
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Stem Cell Transplants Increase the Need for Fertility Preservation

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General
The mission of the Oncofertility Consortium is to advance and promote fertility preservation options for cancer patients. However, treatments for diseases besides cancer can also cause infertility. In particular, patients who undergo stem cell transplants can lose reproductive abilities from their treatments. A variety of…
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Huffington Post Cares about Cancer

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, In the news
An international collaboration between cancer organizations is launching the International Charter of Rights for Young People with Cancer. This group is leveraging their influence to improve cancer diagnosis and treatment for young people. The Huffington Post recently posted an article on the charter that hopes to…
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