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Participate in a Global Oncofertility Study

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner, Oncofertility, Research
Colleagues in Australia, led by Dr. Antoinette Anazodo, are conducting a research study to develop an international multidisciplinary oncofertility competency framework. Below is more information about the study. If relevant, please participate in the study so together we can develop this competency framework. For any questions,…
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Dr. Teresa Woodruff Named to the National Academy of Inventors

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, In the news, Oncofertility, Research, science
Congratulations to Dr. Teresa Woodruff, the Director of the Oncofertility Consortium and the Dean of the Graduate School at Northwestern University for her most recent award. Dr. Woodruff was named to the National Academy of Inventors for her many patents and her creation of the field of…
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Announcement: No December VGR

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Virtual Grand Rounds
There will be no VGR meeting this month. Enjoy your holiday and we will resume with Virtual Grand Rounds in January 2018.  Click here to learn more about the Oncofertility Virtual Grand Rounds (VGRs). 
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New Publication from Tunisian Global Partners

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Global Partner, Publication
Congratulations to our colleagues in Tunisia who recently published in Future Oncology. The paper "Perurethral transvesical route for oocytes retrieval: an old technique for a new indication in oncofertility" aimed to evaluate the safety and efficiency of the peruretheral transvesical oocyte retrieval in oncofertility. In this…
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New study: Young female hematologic cancer survivors have increased infertility risk

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Global Partner, In the news, Meetings, Oncofertility, Research
A new population-based study from Ontario, Canada revealed at ASRM found that young women who were survivors of hematologic cancer were more likely to have a diagnosis of infertility than cancer-free women. Click here to read about this important study in its entirety. 
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Oncofertility in China

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, Global Partner, In the news, Meetings, Oncofertility, Research
Congratulations to The First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University that becomes the first Chinese global partner of Oncofertility Consortium. On October 21-22, 2017, Dr. Qionghua Chen, the chief director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in The First Affiliated Hospital in Xiamen University, Fujian,…
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Melissa’s Law for Fertility Preservation

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, In the news, Patient Stories
The Oncofertility Consortium was mentioned recently in a feature in Greenwich Magazine, an online magazine from Connecticut. Connecticut was the first state to pass landmark oncofertility legislation, which opens access to fertility treatment for cancer patients. The law is named for Melissa Thompson, a patient advocate…
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Oncofertility in Peru

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Fertility Preservation, Global Partner, In the news, Meetings, Research, science
Colleagues in Peru recently hosted a successful course on fertility preservation and are pleased to announce the opening of their first laboratory in Lima, Peru. See the post below from Dr. Flor Sanchez, who is one of the oncofertility ambassadors in Peru. Fertility Preservation Course in…
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Notable Papers

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility, Publication
Below are 20 new and notable publications from the field of oncofertility over the past six months. Congratulations to all of our colleagues on these publications.  New Promising Strategies in Oncofertility. Hudson JN, Stanley NB, Nahata L, Bowman-Curci M, Quinn GP. Expert Rev Qual Life Cancer…
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New Papers from Australia

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Global Partner, Oncofertility, Publication, Research
Congratulations to our colleagues in Australia who recently published two new review papers in the Journal of Psycho-Oncology. Read the abstracts below and click the links to read the full text.  Clinician provision of oncofertility support in cancer patients of a reproductive age: A systematic…
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CCSS Career Development Award

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, In the news, Research
See below for information regarding the CCSS Career Development Award. This announcement is directed to both junior faculty and trainees. All of the information regarding this award is included below. Best of luck with your application! CCSS Career Development Award https://ccss.stjude.org/ The CCSS Career Development…
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July VGR: Advocating for FP Insurance Coverage

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Fertility Preservation, In the news, Oncofertility, Patient Stories, Virtual Grand Rounds
July's VGR presentation is now available online. Joyce Reinecke, JD, Executive Director of the Alliance for Fertility Preservation, presented on advocating for insurance coverage and discussed the recent efforts in many states to mandate coverage for fertility preservation procedures. Connecticut and Rhode Island became the first and…
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RESOURCE ALERT: Introducing C is for Courage – a New Coloring Book Journal for Adults Living With Cancer

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, Patient Stories, Publication
Last month, author Chloé McFeters released six coloring book journals for adults, including C is for Courage, a coloring book journal for those living with cancer. The book’s journal prompts invite the reader to write about the practical and emotional aspects of the journey with…
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Early Bird Registration-One More Week!

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Meetings, Oncofertility
Early-bird registration ends in just one week! Register now to ensure a low rate of $300 for the three-day Oncofertility Conference, which includes a full day of didactic education sessions and hands-on learning, and two full days of traditional lectures. Attendees also receive a variety of…
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ASRM Certificate Course Now Available!

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, CME, Education, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
In collaboration with the Oncofertility Consortium, ASRM is now offering a Principles of Fertility Preservation for Reproductive Healthcare Providers Certificate Course.  This project was sprearheaded by Drs. Divya Shah and Wendy Vitek and includes modules such as: Overview of Initial Fertility Preservation Consultation Toxicity of…
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Reprotopia – Reproductive Knowledge for Lifelong Learners

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Education, Oncofertility
  Have you struggled with how to teach your children or students about reproductive health and puberty? Do you have questions about fertility or menopause? Reprotopia is an online resource that offers a wide range of free, scientifically accurate educational tools for people of all…
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Day 1 Education Sessions

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Education, Meetings, Oncofertility
The first day of the 2017 Oncofertility Conference will consist of a number of education sessions. These smaller, more intimate sessions, will cover a variety of practical oncofertility topics and allow for maximum interaction among attendees. Many of the courses include a combination of lectures, extended…
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VGR Schedule Change

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Virtual Grand Rounds
There has been a minor modification to the VGR schedule. The July VGR will now be held on July 26th at 9am central time. Joyce Reinecke, JD, from the Alliance for Fertility Preservation, will discuss advocacy and insurance during her talk. Click here to learn more about…
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Abstract Awards Available!

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Meetings, Oncofertility, Research
We are now accepting abstract submissions for the upcoming Oncofertility Conference!  Abstract submission deadline is September 29, 2017.  You will be notified on October 6th of acceptance.  Note that conference registration and attendance is required for all poster presenters. Abstract awards are available to the three strongest…
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Notable Publications

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, In the news, Publication, science
Here are some new and notable publications from the field:  In vitro maturation of human immature oocytes for fertility preservation and research materialH Shirasawa, Y Terada – Reproductive Medicine and Biology, 2017In recent years, the importance of fertility preservation (FP) has increased. In vitro maturation (IVM),…
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Fellow Education Day

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog
The Oncofertility Consortium is excited to host its second annual Fellow Education Day during the 2017 Oncofertility Conference! This day-long course will be held on November 14 and will consist of four traditional lectures and two team-based learning exercises. The purpose of this course is…
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June VGR

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Dr. Ralph Kazer delivered June's VGR "Fertility Preservation Strategies for Women About to Undergo Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy" and this talk is now available online. Dr. Kazer is a professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology in the Division of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the Feinberg School…
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