This organization is the leading oncofertility group in Japan, and consists of many institutions across the country including university hospitals, public hospitals, and private hospitals. JSFP has many specialists in several areas including oncology, hematology, urology, gynecology, pediatrics, reproductive endocrinology, and allied healthcare helping to provide oncofertility services to male and female cancer patients. JSFP also works to expand the Oncofertility network throughout Japan by educating doctors and patients about fertility and cancer.
In recent years, it has become possible for an increasing number of patients to overcome cancer owing to advanced multi-modal therapy. However, anticancer treatment can cause hypogonadism, loss of fertility, and premature ovarian failure in young patients. Therefore, in recent years, young cancer patients have increasingly chosen to undergo additional procedures for fertility preservation. Thus, it is important to appropriately implement fertility preservation with the aim of improving the QOL of both male and female patients after remission of cancer is achieved. Patients with cancer need to simultaneously handle various issues that emerge one after another without assistance and have to decide on their options within a short time frame. During the short period before a patient starts anticancer treatment, it is critically important to quickly provide the patient with the latest information and establish close coordination with the gynecologist (particularly a reproductive specialist) at an early stage in order to successfully carry out oncofertility therapy. To perform fertility preservation, the establishment of a healthcare team is essential, not only involving doctors but also nurses, a clinical psychotherapist, a pharmacist, and a social worker.
Of course, treatment of the patient’s malignancy must receive the highest priority, and this is the main difference between fertility preservation and standard infertility treatment. It is necessary to complete fertility preservation within a limited period because there is always a risk of recurrence/relapse of the patient’s underlying malignancy, even during implementation of oncofertility therapy. Depending on the stage of the disease at the time of diagnosis, the treating physician may need to inform the patient that it is necessary to abandon fertility preservation and should ensure that the patient avoids suspending or terminating anticancer treatment unnecessarily. On the other hand, the treating oncologist should fully understand oncofertility therapy so as not to miss the chance to provide fertility preservation that is the right of cancer patients.
On November 3, 2012, the Japan Society for Fertility Preservation (JSFP) was founded as a nonprofit organization with the aim of re-organizing the healthcare system for oncofertility therapy in Japan, as well as achieving the appropriate implementation and understanding of oncofertility therapy. It is necessary to share various old and new issues regarding the management of fertility preservation in cancer patients among healthcare professionals from multiple specialties involved in oncofertility medicine. The JSFP would appreciate receiving cooperation, advice, and assistance from healthcare professionals with various specialties.
It is important for patients to receive health materials in their native langagues. As part of a visiting scholar partnership with the JSFP and the Oncofertility Consortium, Dr. Kouhei Sugimoto translated some important parts of the oncofertility website. Below are links to the pages translated to Japanese.
About the Oncofertility Consortium オンコファティリティ・コンソーシウムについて
About Teresa K. Woodruff 生殖内分泌学者としてWoodruff博士は女性のリプロダクティブ・ヘルスと不妊症に焦点をあてた研究にご自分の研究時間を多く費やしてきました
About the Center for Reproductive Health After Disease 疾病後リプロダクティブ・ヘルス・センター
Division of Fertility Preservation at Northwestern University Northwestern大学の妊孕性温存部門
Fertility Preservation Options 妊孕性温存療法オプション
Online Resources オンラインリソース
Patients 患者さん方
How can cancer affect fertility? どのようにしてがんは妊孕性に影響を与えるのですか?
Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation - Questions to Consider 卵巣組織凍結―考慮すべき質問
What is the Oncofertility Consortium's current project? オンコファティリティ・コンソーシウムの現在のプロジェクトは何ですか?

SaveMyFertility in Japanese
Fertility Preservation for Women Diagnosed with Cancer がんと診断された女性のための妊孕性温存療法 Women and Cancer: Managing Hormonal Symptoms 女性とがん ホルモン症状の管理 Women and Cancer: Preserving Fertility 女性とがん 妊孕性を温存すること Fertility Preservation for Men Diagnosed with Cancer がんと診断された男性のための妊孕性温存療法 Men and Cancer: Preserving Fertility and Managing Hormonal Symptoms 男性とがん 妊孕性温存療法とホルモン症状の管理 Fertility Preservation for Children Diagnosed with Cancer がんと診断されたお子様のための妊孕性温存療法 Children and Cancer: Protecting Your Child's Fertility and Healthy Puberty 子供とがん あなたのお子様の妊孕性と健康な思春期を守ることPublications from Japanese Partners
An evaluation of the Gifu Model in a trial for a new regional oncofertility network in Japan, focusing on its necessity and effects
Target Age Group: Adult
Target Sex: Not sex-specific
Language: Japanese (日本語)
Target Sex: Not sex-specific
Language: Japanese (日本語)