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Category: Blog

Oncofertility Scientist for a Day

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Oncofertility
Day 2 with our embedded journalist. —– By Kirsten Tellam I was really excited for my day at the oncofertility lab today– I actually got my hands in a pair of gloves and did some work! First it was time for follicle isolation. Ovaries are…
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Ready for Movember!!

By: Jacqueline Kestler -
Categories: Blog, General
Don’t worry, it’s not a typo – Movember is the proper name for the month of November where men join together to grow moustaches (aka the mo) for the whole month in order to fundraise and raise awareness about cancers that affect men.  The moustache…
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Trick or Tweet!

By: Jacqueline Kestler -
Categories: Blog, General
I’m a newcomer to Twitter, never having caught on to the Twitter craze that has become so popular among groups and individuals, young and old.  In working with oncofertility@twitter, I must admit that I am really enjoying learning how Twitter works, and most importantly, learning…
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Oncofertility at the USA Science and Engineering Festival

By: Miranda Bernhardt -
Categories: Blog, In the news, Oncofertility, Oncofertility Saturday Academy
The National Mall in Washington D.C. was the place to be for inquisitive minds this past weekend–the USA Science and Engineering Festival held there on Saturday and Sunday drew crowds of nearly 1 million people who took part in over 1,500 hands-on activities, exhibits, and…
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Interview with Holly: Oncofertility Patient in TIME Magazine

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, In the news, Oncofertility
The October 11, 2010 issue of TIME magazine highlighted the importance of fertility preservation for cancer patients. The article discussed the mission of the Oncofertility Consortium and interviewed a young cancer survivor, Holly, who underwent fertility preservation at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, IL. Since…
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Cancer Survivorship 101 Conference Covers Oncofertility

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, General, Meetings, Oncofertility
This upcoming November 12, 2010, the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and the STAR Program (Survivors Taking Action & Responsibility) are hosting a regional conference in downtown Chicago, IL. The event, titled Cancer Survivorship 101: Educating Primary Care Providers in their Treatment of Cancer…
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Run for Prentice’s 1st Chicago Marathon

By: Jacqueline Kestler -
Categories: Blog, General
On 10-10-10, a record number of runners started the annual Bank of America Chicago marathon across the neighborhoods of the city. For the Oncofertility Consortium’s own Clinical Research Coordinator, Shauna Gardino, it was a warm start to her 10th marathon. Despite the less than ideal…
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Publication of New Oncofertility Book

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Oncofertility, Research
The Oncofertility Consortium finds new ways to prevent life-saving cancer treatments from destroying fertility through multiple avenues of scientific research. But this emerging field does not live in isolation and the consortium addresses larger issues in oncofertility through discussions with communicators, economists, historians, and religious and…
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Breast Cancer & Oncofertility

By: Jacqueline Kestler -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, In the news, Oncofertility, Research
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! This week, The Washington Post shed light on a section of the health care reform law that directly impacts breast cancer research in young women in terms of desired outcomes and available funding.  Between 2010 and 2014, the law…
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Success in Surgeries to Prevent Cancer!

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Research
A recent article in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women with the breast and ovarian cancer-associated genes, BRCA1 or BRCA2, who undergo preventive surgeries are at decreased risk for cancer and have lower mortality rates than women who chose not to…
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Symbiosis in Science: Interdisciplinary Research at the Forefront of Medicine

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Oncofertility, Research
Many Americans have heard of the term “interdisciplinary research” but don’t really understand how that affects them on a daily basis. Interdisciplinary research crosses traditional professional boundaries. Within science, it incorporates researchers from departments as different as physics, psychology, and biology. True interdisciplinary research also…
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