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Ethical Implications of Investigational Fertility Preservation Research

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
The goal of oncofertility is to preserve the future fertility of cancer patients and ensure they have reproductive choice after they’ve finished treatment. Not all methods of fertility preservation are considered “established” techniques meaning they are viewed as experimental and must be offered under Institutional…
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SHARE: Support Services for Women Affected By Breast or Ovarian Cancer

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Oncofertility
Here at the Oncofertility Consortium Blog, it’s important to us that our readers who may be diagnosed with cancer or know someone that is, have a wealth of resources to tap into for support. A cancer diagnosis often leads to questions and concerns throughout the…
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Fertility Preservation: It’s a Small World After All

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General
Recently I dipped my foot into the real estate market and began looking for a place we could call home. I followed all the steps that most anyone else would: I hooked up with a real estate agent (*Todd), I began scouring all the listings…
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Fertility Preservation for Endangered Species

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Fertility Preservation, General, Meetings
In this blog, Mary Zelinski, PhD continues her reports from the annual meeting of the Society for Cryobiology held in Corvallis, Oregon, July 24-27. In this post, she relay’s the findings of Dr. Pukazhenthi, on the importance of fertility preservation for endangered species. Read the first…
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GiveForward Makes Fertility Preservation Possible

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
It’s not uncommon for people to gift others with money on a birthday, or a graduation, at a wedding, etc.., but what about when people really need it? What about when people are in times of personal crisis?  Statistics show that 60% of all bankruptcies…
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Cancer, Fertility, and the Big “D:” Divorce

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, fertility, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
Fertility concerns rank high among newly diagnosed cancer patients of reproductive age. There are several options available to patients interested in preserving their fertility before treatment begins. An often selected choice among patients with a spouse or a committed partner is embryo banking. Embryo banking…
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Reports from the 2011 Society for Cryobiology conference

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Fertility Preservation, General, Meetings
A few weeks ago, this blog discussed some of the ins and outs of cryopreservation, or highly specialized freezing of tissues for long-term preservation, in oncofertility. Scientists in this scientific field and members of the Oncofertility Consortium recently attended a meeting on this technology and…
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Cancer Survivorship Programs: Beyond Treatment

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
As a result of earlier detection and improved treatments, cancer survival statistics have dramatically increased. Some survivors may live with cancer as a chronic disease requiring periodic treatments, while others may go into long-term remission. As many survivors have learned, recovery is often not the…
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New publication in Psycho-Oncology Journal from Oncofertility Consortium members

Categories: News
Although educational materials provide a potentially effective method to convey critical information, the distribution of educational materials about fertility preservation is undocumented. Oncofertility researchers sought to determine the prevalence of providers’ distribution of fertility preservation materials to patients and to assess physician and practice characteristics…
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Teacher Education Programs Spread the Oncofertility Message

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Oncofertility Saturday Academy
Summer Teacher Fellowship Team (L-R): Mark Prosise (Curriculum Developer), Amy Elliott, Kari Bodine, Miranda Bernhardt (Lab Coordinator), Sowmya Anjur, Kristen Perkins (Curriculum Coordinator), Nadia Reynolds (Fellowship Coordinator); not pictured: Qurrat Waheed. Photo by Eugene Galdones. By Nadia Reynolds – The Oncofertility Summer Research Fellowship (OSRF),…
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Announcing a Partnership with the Cancer Knowledge Network

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General
One of the missions of the Oncofertility Consortium is to educate cancer patients, providers, and the larger oncology community. We have recently joined forces with a like-minded organization, the Cancer Knowledge Network, an affiliate of the journal, Current Oncology. Together, our organizations will promote advances…
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Supportive Oncology for Comprehensive Cancer Care

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, Introductions, Oncofertility
Yesterday I had the opportunity to tour the Supportive Oncology Suite with our Fertility Preservation Patient Navigator, Kristin Smith. The Supportive Oncology Suite is part of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University’s Maggie Daley Center for Women’s Cancer Care, located within…
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Family Planning Post-Cancer: Reproductive Options

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, fertility, General, Oncofertility
Planning a family post-cancer can be a complicated process if a patient’s fertility was compromised during their cancer treatment. Depending on a cancer survivor’s prior treatment regime and subsequent fertility options, a number of family planning options may be available to them.  I spoke with…
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This week: Oncofertility Consortium member, Mary Zelinksi, discusses fertility preservation with national media outlets.

Categories: News
At Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, researchers are testing a compound called sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a naturally occurring molecule which has been shown to prevent germ cell death in mice receiving radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Oncofertility Consortium member, Mary Zelinksi, discusses this experimental treatment…
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Article from Oncofertility Consortium community members published in Chinese

Categories: News
In 2010, members of the oncofertility community joined together discuss the past, present, and future of ovarian tissue research. This meeting resulted in the publication, “Current achievements and future research directions in ovarian tissue culture, in vitro follicle development and transplantation: implications for fertility preservation,”…
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Foundation for Women’s Cancer: Working to Eradicate Reproductive Cancers

By: Oncofertility Admin -
Categories: Blog, General, Oncofertility
This year at American Society of Clinical Oncology Conference we met so many great advocacy groups who are invested in the cancer community whether through programming, research, outreach or education. Often we look to specific groups who specialize in a particular area of cancer care…
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