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Category: Oncofertility

Dr. Woodruff featured in Evidence-Based Oncology Journal

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, General, In the news, Oncofertility
Dr. Woodruff was featured in a recent article in Evidence-Based Oncology. Read the article below: Fertility Preservation in Young Cancer Patients Published Online: November 17, 2014 Surabhi Dangi-Garimella, PhD Advanced diagnostic tools and innovative treatment measures in cancer have increased cancer survival rates in the…
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2014 OncofertilIty Consortium Conference

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Fertility Preservation, In the news, Oncofertility
The 2014 Oncofertility Consortium Conference was a great success! For two days, researchers, clinicians, students, and trainees from around the globe transcended on Northwestern University and participated in lectures, panel discussions, and hands-on training programs to learn about the advances in the field of fertility…
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Monqiue Hinchcliff, MD, MS, Oncofertility Consortium Conference Speaker

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, General, Oncofertility, Research
Dr. Monique Hinchcliff is the Associate Clinical Director and the Director of Translational Research for the Northwestern Scleroderma Program.  Her research interests include the use of high-throughput, unbiased, approaches to define clinically relevant molecular subsets of systemic sclerosis/scleroderma.  Since 2008, she has led the effort…
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Introducing OC Conference Speaker Kyle Orwig, PhD

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Research
Today’s speaker bio is Kyle Orwig, PhD, from the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Orwig will be giving a talk at the conference entitled: Stem Cell Therapies for Male Infertility. Dr. Orwig joined the faculty of the University of Pittsburgh in 2003 and is currently Associate…
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Oncofertility Consortium Conference Speaker Series

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Conferences, Fertility Preservation, General, Introductions, Oncofertility
In anticipation of the Oncofertility Consortium Conference on September 22-23, we will be showcasing our conference speakers in an upcoming series of blogs. Each year the OC conference features the leading national and international experts in the field of fertility preservation. This year’s conference is…
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Adoption and Oncofertility: Another Option for Cancer Survivors

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Patient Stories
A recent feature in Cure magazine discusses adoption as another option for cancer survivors who want to build a family. Each patient is unique. The impact of a given treatment on fertility can vary and so can the time available before starting life saving treatments.…
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Top 20 Articles in Reproduction and Endocrinology

Author image - Lauren Ataman-Millhouse By: Lauren Ataman-Millhouse -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Education, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Research, science
Dr. Woodruff's article "Reproductive endocrinology: fertility in female survivors of childhood cancer" was recently listed as one of the top 20 articles in the field of reproduction and endocrinology since 2013. This article was listed at the 8th most influential in the list of 20.…
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Estimates of Young Breast Cancer Survivors at Risk for Infertility in the U.S.

By: Allison Goetsch -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Oncofertility, Research
Gonadotoxic therapies, such as chemotherapy, used to treat breast cancer can have harmful effects on fertility- they destroy ovarian follicles, or women’s reserve of ova, resulting in amenorrhea and/or early menopause. Additionally, many endocrine therapies used to treat breast cancer have indirect effects on fertility,…
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Oncofertility Patient Education

By: Allison Goetsch -
Categories: Blog, Communication, Education, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
A variety of patient education materials have been created for providers to use in the oncofertility care setting- materials that describe fertility preservation options in easy-to-understand language and have been designed in multiple platforms ranging from informational fact sheets to internet videos. The Oncofertility Consortium…
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Oncofertility Clinical Guidelines, Recommendations, & Opinions

By: Allison Goetsch -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Communication, Education, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility, science
Need to stay up to date on the latest clinical guidelines, recommendations, and opinions? Our Oncofertility Decision Tool Web Portal has an entire section devoted to bringing you ALL of the clinical guidelines affecting fertility preservation and oncology care.  We designed it this way so…
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Oncofertility Decision-Making Publications

By: Allison Goetsch -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, Communication, Education, ethics, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Yesterday we announced our NEW Oncofertility Decision Tool Web Portal. This online portal serves as a one-stop-shop for health care providers in need of tools to facilitate fertility preservation conversations with their patients whose disease, or its treatment, threatens fertility. In addition to decision tools…
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Oncofertility Decision Tools

By: Allison Goetsch -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, Communication, Education, Fertility Preservation, Oncofertility
The Oncofertility Consortium has created a Decision Tool Web Portal for health care providers who care for patients diagnosed with malignant and non-malignant conditions which may impair fertility (or treatment may impair fertility). Decision Tools are designed to enable oncofertility stakeholders to take action. They provide information…
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New Korean Oncofertility Global Partner

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Fertility Preservation, General, Global Partner, Introductions, Oncofertility
The Oncofertility Consortium is excited to announce another Global Partner: The Cheil General Hospital (CGH) & Women’s Healthcare Center in Seoul, Korea!  We had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Chanwoo Park last week at the Oncofertility Consortium offices here in Chicago, IL to discuss Global…
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Examining Information Processing

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Education, Oncofertility, Research, science
The Oncofertility Consortium is pleased to welcome Dr. Jennifer Hirshfeld-Cytron as a guest blogger today. This is a blog post based on the article, Toward theoretical understanding of the fertility preservation decision-making process: examining information processing among young women with cancer by authors P.E. Hershberger, L. Finnegan,…
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Insurance Coverage for Fertility Preservation

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, Communication, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Chapter 14 of Oncofertility Communication: Sharing Information and Building Relationships across Disciplines addresses an extremely important issue in healthcare, insurance coverage.  The authors, Dr. Laxmi Kondapalli and Alice Crisci, wrote Incorporating Insurance Education into the Fertility Preservation Process to outline strategies that may facilitate access…
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AYA Twitter Chat TODAY 12:30pm CST (#YACancer)

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Advocate, Blog, Cancer, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Patient Stories
Recently, Mashable featured Jenna Benn in a wonderful article: Wedding, Career, Chemo: When Cancer Derails the Millennial Dream.  Jenna Benn is a patient of the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center at and a wonderful friend and supporter of the Oncofertility Consortium. Due to the…
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The Rest is History

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Patient Stories
Today, we are honored to have another patient guest blogger; long-term survivor Colleen Cira.  Read through her incredible story below and join the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center this evening, March 25, from 5-8pm for “Drinks with Docs (& Healthcare Providers)” at Bridge House…
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Evidence-Based Medicine in Oncofertility

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Communication, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Research, Virtual Grand Rounds
Educating Providers on Evidence-Based Medical Guidelines is a chapter of Oncofertility Communication: Sharing Information and Building Relationships across Disciplines where the authors, Lauren N.C. Johnson and Dr. Clarisa R. Gracia, outline previous medical paradigms and how they have changed to incorporate new evidence-based medical guidelines in…
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Preserving Oocyte Reserve

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Research, science
Today we welcome Dr. So-Youn Kim from Dr. Woodruff’s Lab at Northwestern University as our guest blogger.  Dr. Kim will review a recent article published by Dr. John C. Schimenti in Science 2014. ONE MORE STEP TOWARDS PRESERVING OOCYTE RESERVE By: So-Youn Kim, PhD According…
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Perspectives on Fertility

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, Communication, Education, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Oncofertility Communication: Sharing Information and Building Relationships across Disciplines devoted an entire chapter to the communication strategies and issues faced by oncology providers.  Chapter 10 is entitled Fertility Communication to Cancer Patients: A Hematologist-Oncologist’s Perspective and is authored by Sara Barnato Giordano.  As cancer treatments…
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Communication Disparities

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, children, Education, ethics, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
The next chapter in Oncofertility Communication: Sharing Information and Building Relationships across Disciplines addresses Disparities in Adolescent Patient-Provider Communication Regarding Fertility.  The authors, Amanda B. Fuchs and Dr. Robert E. Brannigan, provide detailed information regarding the disparities between providers and their adolescent patients even though…
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Global Partner: Portuguese Centre for Fertility Preservation

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Global Partner, In the news, Introductions, Oncofertility
The Oncofertility Consortium is happy to welcome the Portuguese Center for Fertility Preservation as a Global Partner.  We currently work with reproductive specialists from all over the world in an effort to better serve children, adolescents and young adults with cancer and other fertility-threatening diseases.  Learn more about…
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Learning to Bridge the Information Gap

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility
Information gaps are widely apparent in patient-physician relationships due to a multitude of factors.  Some patients are not interested or emotionally able to process information provided by the physician while certain physicians may not be comfortable discussing various options with their patients or feel that…
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Communicating Fertility to High-Risk Patients

Author image - Brigid Martz Smith By: Brigid Martz Smith -
Categories: Blog, Cancer, fertility, Fertility Preservation, General, Oncofertility, Research
Women who have a high risk of breast or ovarian cancer face a number of looming decisions; from whether or not to undergo prophylactic surgery, to electing increased surveillance, to taking risk-lowering medication.  Interwoven with these decisions is the implication each will have on fertility.…
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